Liam Lynch - Main Speaker, LEGACY 2019
This year we're very excited to welcome Deacon Liam Lynch to LEGACY, our annual Live-In. Liam hates wasting time. He and his amazing wife...
Sober Intoxication Pt. 3
15th May 2016 marked the day of Pentecost. At Y4J we celebrated this event with a baptism in the spirit. What does that mean? Why do we...
Sober Intoxication Pt. 2
The run up to Pentecost continues. We can't do anything to 'make Pentecost happen' but we are called to prepare the way for him. How do...
Sober Intoxication Pt. 1
Laeti bibamus sobriam profusionem Spiritus. In 1975, Pope Paul quoted the above words in St. Peter's Basilica to the early Charismatic...
'Discipleship' series : Creating Community, Part 2
This is a continuation from the 'Creating Community' post - if you haven't read Part 1 yet go check that out then come'll make...
'Discipleship' series: A mark of a disciple - Living in the Spirit
Think of a moment when you were sick right before you had to do something important - an exam, an interview, a flight, whatever. Think of...
'Discipleship' series : Creating Community Part 1
Discipleship involves a life of realism and sharing - sharing both with Jesus and with our fellow disciples. But how can we share...
'Discipleship' series : Called to God's Family
The 21st century is an age of personal significance and, ironically enough, loneliness. We may feel it a little less living in Malta...
'Discipleship' series : Called to Discipleship
As Christians, we are called to discipleship. Not simply as a package deal that comes with believing in Christ but as something...
The 'I AM' series : I am the way, the truth & the life
The 'I AM' series focuses on the different things Jesus associated himself with; and this time we looked at the big kahuna - Jesus...